Friday, October 3, 2008

Clara and Hannibal

As promised, here's Clara ~ my latest watercolor in the "creepy Edwardian kids" series. I love her. She looks partly worried, partly sulky, and partly she's just figured out where the treasure is buried. I finished her awhile ago, but only now have gotten around to photographing. She was done far more quickly than Daniel, and I think the writing on this one is a little wonky and less restrained. I'm not sure how I feel about that. But as for Clara herself, I couldn't be happier.

Since I was photographing, I also include my very first watercolor! This was done 2-3 years ago (?). Recently I outlined it with ink for more crisp lines (I'm liking the ink + watercolor effect). Anyway, as you can see this is Hannibal my husband's beloved but deceased dog. I based it on a photo and even though it's not an exact likeness Dave was pleased with the result. To me, he looks grumpy after having been woken from a nap.

Well, not much new to report. I have not had time to progress much with writing, although I'm currently teaching Beloved and that's giving me lots of good ideas about writing on ghosts. So even when I'm not writing, I'm soaking up ideas; once I'm full of ideas I can wring them out onto the page and see if they work or not.

It's still Mercury retrograde, and I read on my sister's blog that her car battery died at a particularly inconvenient time. See! Beware.

Today is my niece Emily's 11th birthday. At 11 she's more mature, confident, kind, thoughtful, and giving than most adults I know. She's interested in everything, and is so fun to be around. She's very special to me. Happy birthday Emily!

Finally, it was a tie for your favorite "cool sounding" word. Persnickety, Quantum, Indubitably, and Snorkel each got one vote. In the meantime, I've heard that Cattywhompus is another cool-sounding word to consider, and others have offerred up Hobgoblin, Balderdash, and Discobobuated. "That persnickety hobgoblin is full of discombobulated balderdash and is indubitably cattywhompus." I'm going to try to finagle an opportunity to use that sentence today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think a watercolor of your husband's dead dog fits right in with the creepy kids you have also painted. In a good way.

"That persnickety hobgoblin is full of discombobulated balderdash and is indubitably cattywhompus." is the best sentence I have read in about two weeks!

Your blog makes me happy.