Friday, January 9, 2009

HP Update!

It's no secret that I haven't made a ton of progress on HP since my fall semester class started. I had time for a few pokes, prods, and fluffing up, but nothing that I would call "real" writing. However HP is never far from my thoughts and this fall was particularly glistening with ideas! So now that I am ready to start work again, I have a messy series of notebook pages filled with possibilities and am excited to see what comes from them.

I took the holidays off to recover from a trying semester of teaching, enjoy time with Dave, and build strength for the hard-core writing schedule I'll be kicking off this weekend. I'm planning to write after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays and for 8-10 hours each weekend. Let's see how that goes. It doesn't hurt that Dave is also spending his weekends on his class stuff, so I don't feel like I'm ruining any potential "couple time" we'd otherwise have. And I think a limit of 8-10 hours will still give me some time to do other chores, caretaking, and still have a piece of Sunday night for myself. My goal is to totally complete this revision by the end of the month, and then in February write and revise the final 3 chaptes...which as of now do not exist, not even in my head.

I'll keep you posted. I'm still now sure how/when/if I'll be sharing chapters of the novel. I'll think on that....

In the meantime, raise a glass and wish me good luck!


Marv said...

I'll raise a glass of diet coke.

I know you will accomplish what ever plan you set for yourself. The dull drums of this time of the year is a great time to do this writing.

Find a comphy place and write away.


Anonymous said...

You are taking the right steps. Having a schedule and a carved out time makes complete sense. Best of luck!