During facial (skin tired and worn out, plus general unhappiness about having blue stuff on his face, despite my attempt to convince him he looks like a warrior from Braveheart):
After facial (skin refreshed and renewed, plus general delight that the facial is over and he can get on with his life!):

I had one too, of course. We also had brunch at W.A. Frost's on Sunday, exchanged gifts (I made a small book for Dave, and he gave me unnecessarily expensive diamond earrings even though I particularly asked him not to spend too much money on me), and we watched the movie Sweet Land. Overall it was nice, although we do need to do something to cease the "unending-chore" quality of our weekends. Maybe we need to stop with the caretaking finally.
I also did some work on HP. I'm very happy with the changes I've made. Slow-going as usual, but as long as it's going in the right direction I'm happy.
Well, if looking like "Braveheart" didn't work, you could have said he looked like Arnold when he was hiding from the Predator.
I'm just trying to help...
And am glad it wasn't me.
I wish I could have recorded his running commentary during the facial: "Can I eat when I have this stuff on? Is it supposed to be blue? It's drying...is it supposed to dry? Is it supposed to itch? How long do we have to wait to wash it off? Why do you have the camera out...what are you doing? Are you taking a picture? This isn't going on your blog, is it? When do we take this off? Will this be much longer? It feels like mud...is this mud? Why is it flaking? Is it almost time to take it off?"
I know your Dad would never let me do this. Dave will do what ever makes you happy. All and all, what did he think of it? Did he like it once he saw how nice it made his skin? Did he think he'd like another facial sometime?
He said it felt "ok" and his skin felt nicer, but I don't think it's his thing. I'll give him another one sometime after he's shaved...I think he'll like that. But mainly he's just humoring me.
Dave is so sweet, but he reaps the rewards of sweetness! His colleagues will notice the healthy glow! His students will sit up straighter! And it was a moment of bonding which is always worth loads. When I get cross with Kevin I tell him I'm going to put self-tan on half his face while he sleeps. Not quite the same thing but you can tell Dave he's lucky he gets mud. :)
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