Thursday, July 10, 2008


Hi sweet readers,

I'm starting this blog on the eve of my birthday, as sort of a gift to myself. Kind of a cheap gift, but a very nice one. You will see by the blog's description that it's meant to detail the trials and victories encountered during the completion of my first novel. But hopefully it will be more than that as well.

But let's start with the novel, shall we? It does not have a title, poor thing. Perhaps I'll end up having you vote for one. Its working title for now is Haunted People, but other options are rumbling around in my head. I won't know the real title until it's complete. At that point I'm hoping I'll look at it and, like a newborn, immediately know which name fits...if it's a Henry or a Ralph. But for now, I'm calling it HP.

Right now it's 308 pages and doesn't quite have an ending yet. I know the basics of the ending, but (without trying to sound spooky or cheesy) the characters kind of need to lead me to it. The first lesson I learned in writing this novel is: by page 100 characters become people and, like real people, they surprise you. So far in this book, intended villains have become sympathetic characters, a "good" character revealed a malicious core, and my heroine turned out to be someone I'm not sure I totally trust. I've learned to be flexible and let the characters do what their personality and the situation most calls for...which means the ending is still a cloud in the sky.

Rather than going into plot, I'll tell you my intentions for the novel. I wanted to write a good old-fashioned gothic novel, but place it in a contemporary setting. Without knowing more than that, a wonderful thing happened. I work in a 150-year old building. It used to house priests, and is the kind of place nobody wants to be after dark or alone. One day I needed to fetch something from my office during the weekend. Even though I avoided it as much as possible, circumstances have in the past forced me to sometimes be in the building during the "scary times", and my usual plan was to walk to my office as calmly but quickly as possible, then once in my office lock the door immediately. I did the same thing on this particualr day. Everything seemed fine, but as soon as I locked the door, someone (something!) was turning the knob and pulling it back and forth, as if either trying to get in or get my attention. For argument's sake, let's say it was a person; they would've had to be right behind me to start pulling the knob that soon after I locked the door. And yet nobody was anywhere near me. Furthermore, the door has a window so I'd naturally be able to see anyone standing on the other side. It was either The Invisible Man or... the ghost of the priest that supposedly DIED IN THE OFFICE NEXT TO MINE!! AGH! Sounds like the makings of a great book, right? Ah ha! I thought so too. So after recovering from the incident, I decided that the perfect setting for a contemporary gothic tale was in an office. What if a woman takes a new job and finds her cubicle haunted by her dead predecessor? The answer to that is the premise of my novel.

Ok, enough for now. Thanks for reading!


Tracie said...

Wow! What a wonderful blog--I can't wait to read more. I like the voting section too--nothing like taking a stand for your favorite breakfast meat:) Your novel sounds extremely captivating and spooky (another thing I can't wait to read)! I will check back regularly...I love it!

Tracie said...

Your blog is SOOO cool! Can you show me how to do all the stuff you did on the side? I also love your title; The Danger Bunny! See you soon.
Happy Birthday,(in a week)

Anonymous said...

Whoo! :)


Kim said...

Loving the blog! What a great way to keep us all in the know with HP. Can't wait to read the revisions, I'm anxious to see what you've changed. Keep me posted!

Marv said...

I LOVE reading your Blog. I know I'm your mother and all, but you sure have a talent for writing. I can read your stuff over and over again.

Hope you finish your book and get it published real soon.

Loved spending time yesterday. Did you see the picture on Emily's Blog?
