Monday, July 21, 2008

Love and the Mississippi

Dave and I have safely returned from my birthday camping extravaganza! Here are the Top 10 things we learned:

* We're too old to be camping in tents
* I'm awfully fond of being clean and dry
* Dave has great taste in jewelry
* Turkey Spam isn't that bad
* Marmite flavored chips, on the other hand, are ish
* I probably wouldn't have resorted to cannibalism if I'd been in the Donner Party
* Solid shampoo is a wonderful invention
* It's good to have an extra sleeping bag in the trunk of your car
* Use fresh (not year-old) marshmallows for s'mores
* A cement mime can come in handy

So, yeah. We were at Itasca State Park, and we did our Minnesotan duty by walking across the Mississippi River at its "creek" stage. It sure is cute when it's little! There were baby ducks and little fish and pretty rocks. We also saw Indian burial mounds, which was spooky...and just as we were saying "wow, this is spooky!" a tree actually fell down near us. It's like the Indian ghosts were saying "run, white land-stealers!" We bought lots of gift-store trinkets, especially since it was my birthday. Dave gave me a lovely necklace for my birthday too. We had a lot of nice quiet time, which I spent reading a book on the Donner Party...kind of weird to read about people freezing and starving to death while I lounge under the sun eating yogurt-covered peanuts. And probably not best to be eating turkey Spam while reading the gritty parts. Finally, most of our weather was lovely and we had a lot of fun.
On the negative side, we ate pretty poorly, I would say. I don't what the deal was, but we never really managed to get a roaring fire going. My friend April sent me an awesome box of goodies from her home in England, and I brought along a couple selections: Trendy Seaweed Snack (delicious!) and Marmite Chips (horrid!).

Also, it rained...rained hard!...our first night and got everything in our tent pretty wet, resulting in the Tent Relocation Project. Finally, I threw out my back. See! Too old for this.

As for Phillipe, our cement mime...perhaps the less said the better. He did, however, seem to scare off most of the animals and a few irritating children on bikes.

Did no writing. Didn't even think about it.


Anonymous said...

Cement mime. Apropos.

Walker's crisps are awesome (except smokey bacon and marmite)! My wife orrdered me a giant box of cheese and onion flavors crips for my birthday. I have been metting them out slowly, for the sake of deliciousness.

Also, thanks for changing your blog settings so I can comment! Hooray!

TeTop said...

Yeah, boo to the Marmite ones! Also part of my friend's "weird food" gift package were Musk Flavor Life Savers. MUSK! I'm saving those for...I don't know. When I'm in the mood to eat musk, I guess. My favorite UK crisps product is the curry flavored Pringles. I keep hoping-upon-hope they eventually sell those here!

Anonymous said...

Musk? Uh, what?! Ummm. Huh. Well, that's a thing there.

Lucky for us, and our flair for chips, one can order just about anything from 'teh interwebz' these days. If your hope gets too thin and ragged, always remember that option.

Michelloui said...

Haven't tried marmite crisps but now I'll have to. Haven't even SEEN musk flavoured life savers...and not sure that I want to. Its making me think of gross things like deer bottoms. Ewwww. But now I know I can bring some curry flavoured pringles for you next week!!

And please tell me why there is a mime in Itasca State Park! It's bothering me.

Happy birthday now you're back!


TeTop said...

The mime belongs to us. He lives in our trunk and we put him out at the campsite to guard our tent. Why do we carry a cement mime in the trunk of our car, you may ask? That will have to remain a mystery. Maybe I'll write about it in a future posting. If you like, Phillipe the cement mime can join us at Porky's during your upcoming visit! Terri :)

Tracie said...

I just wanted to say if I got to the computer before my mom I would have voted for the bunny!