Monday, August 18, 2008

Busy Times

Hi Reader,

It's been a busy few weeks. I've been spending almost all my free time (including my lunch hours at work) preparing for the fall semester. My first class starts September 4, and I do all the prep work I possibly can prior to that first day. I plan each class period, write all my assignments for the whole semester, do all my research, proof everything a number of times (I can't be expecting my students to do this if I don't!), and this Thursday after work I'll makes copies of everything I need for the whole semester. I then organize all this into folders, each folder representing a different unit. It's a lot of work...probably about 15-20 hours a week for the last three weeks. But the good thing is that when the semester finally starts, I only need to focus on teaching and grading. I won't have to do all the other class prep that fills the "free" time of teachers. That's important to me, since I also work full-time during the semester and will additionally be a student mysef...I'm taking a graduate class on e-learning. The good news is that after this week I should be finished with all my prep work, and can hopefully relax a little before the new school year starts up.

Oddly enough, I did manage to fit in some writing time this weekend. I almost finished my revisions for the first chapter in the "scary middle part" of HP. I made more changes than initially intended. I changed some of the prose into dialogue and added a scene between my main character Ana and her soon-to-be antagonist Elly. But right now they're kind of friends. All the better to pit them against each other later on! I ended my revision right at the moment when Ana first realizes that something is very wrong with her cubicle. Nothing major...she just notices the window in her cube open when it shouldn't be and has a weird feeling of being watched.

Other things that happened this weekend: my husband spent some time preparing for his new job, which starts today; had dinner with our delightful friend Joanna and her magical cats; saw this crazy documentary called Man On Wire about the Frenchman who in the early '70s tightrope walked between the World Trade Center towers (in a weird coincidence, this tightrope-walker's name is Phillipe...just like our cement mime!); went to the Joke Joint to see my brother's girfriend perform her comedy routine. We also worked on our enormous unending soul-sucking filing project. I finished a thoroughly-satisfying vampire novel called The Companion (sent to me from England by my friend April). We watched a bizarre documentary on Mary Shelley that was part biography, part travelogue, and part nature program. And, finally, we got our lifetime fill of Michael Phelps.

So, a little bit of writing and a lot of other stuff. Sounds like a lot to cram into a weekend, but I ended up taking a vacation day from work in order to do it all. And now if I finish everything this week I can celebrate by going to the fair on Friday!


Tracie said...

When you get a dog a know a website that sells a bunch of poodle mixed dogs, most for under $300.00!!! And it's only about an hour away!!!

Tracie said...

Okay-the comment about the dog was left by Emily. I think you guys are a little busy for a dog right now:) I have definately had my lifetime fill of Mr. Phelps! I turn on the TV--he is on it and I flinch while yelling "Nooooo-not again". He is an amazing athlete but come on TV people let's move on!

TeTop said...

Cool, but we'll be looking for a shelter dog. We want to give a needy dog a home. Plus, Dave already has a specific type of dog in mind. But poodle mix dogs sure are sweet!

Tracie said...

Well, if you want to get animals from a shelter the shelter by our house is filled with with cats!! We even know a person who got a cat from there!!

TeTop said...

We'll definitely check out that shelter, then. I'll be looking for a special Cuddle Cat, who I plan to name (or nickname) Miep.

Anonymous said...

A Manx is a good breed as far as cats who like to cuddle go.

Sounds like you punished the prep work. Good job!