Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I forgot to mention that Dave and I went to the Fair on Friday, as a reward for making progress on the unending soul-sucking filing project.

I met this cute bunny who was about to be judged by the 4-H people. I told him (her?) that no matter what, he was a WINNER! But, being a bunny, it had no idea what I was talking about. I tried to convey my appreciation for its cuteness by touching his little foot through the cage. He didn't really like that, though, so I finally just stopped harrassing him...but not until after we took this photo together.

Otherwise we did everything we always do at the Fair. I suppose that's the joy of the Fair...the joy of repetition and familiarity. The International Bazaar changed, which was new! But despite the big still somehow seemed exactly the same. Same vendors. Same layout. The Fair can't change for real. It can only kinda change. It may change some on the outside once in a great while, but its kitschy heart will always be full of art glass, tractors, sheep shearing, misshapen people, and the smell of things frying. May it always remain so.

Favorite moment? We saw a chick hatch at the Miracle of Birth barn. There was a little boy in front of us with his very-pregnant mother. When he saw the chick push its way out of the egg he was enraptured...but then a cloud passed over his face and he looked over at his mom's belly with an expression of alarm.

What was your favorite Fair moment?


Marv said...

Terri, I LOVED your discription of the fair. Over all the years I've been going, it really hasn't changed much. That is what is so nice about it. That's a big part of it's charm.

What a cute bunny.


Anonymous said...
