Thursday, September 24, 2009


As it's been pointed out to me, I've been rather neglecting the blog. Not so long ago I was thinking of doing two blogs...and yet now I can barely maintain the one. Shows what I know.

But here comes the excuses.

Since Dave is now once again employed. And while neither of us make great money (that's what you get for going into social services), together we do ok. So we decided to gather all our resources, time and energy together and make the Big Move. Turns out buying a house is kind of an involved thing.

On top of the Big Move, I started my graduate program. And Dave, of course, is getting used to his new job.

Anyway, we found our "dream" house! Thank goodness, because for awhile there I was thinking we'd be stuck with "frustrating compromise" house. This afternoon we have the inspection, which is causing me some anxiety. I's become pretty obvious by now that things in my life do NOT often travel a smooth road. So I'm holding my breath, waiting for the next crisis to occur. Hopefully I'm wrong and those " CAN'T have what you want after all!" days are behind us. But I've thought that before, too, and have been proven wrong. Which is why I'm wringing my hands over the inspection.

I'll continue to post updates, and after today I should have some photos to share as well.


CoryQ said...

Happy hand claps for the return of the blog!!!

And for the house!!!

TeTop said...

Hand claps a-plenty! I'm flattered that you missed my blog so much :)

I'm sure I'll soon be coming to you with paint questions.

Marv said...

I checked your blog all the time too and thought it's been a long time since it was up dated. I also knew you were very busy with house stuff.

It's an exciting

Michelloui said...

Photos of the house on the blog!!! Glad you found time to update. Its difficult, but a lesson in discipline!! Im one to talk, I know ;)