As for costumes, everyone looked great. I was kind of lame this year...I pretty much just wore a dress and a flower thing on my head and called myself a "wood nymph." Dave, as usual, had the best costume. He wore a suit, a long black coat, a top hat, carried a fancy walking stick and wore a pig nose ~ his costume for a Captialist Pig. Emily was a zombie rock star (she won the costume contest, by the way), Nick was some kind of a scary guy, and Matt was a storm trooper. We had lots of great food, games, and entertainment.
Otherwise we did everything we always do at the Fair. I suppose that's the joy of the Fair...the joy of repetition and familiarity. The International Bazaar changed, which was new! But despite the big changes...it still somehow seemed exactly the same. Same vendors. Same layout. The Fair can't change for real. It can only kinda change. It may change some on the outside once in a great while, but its kitschy heart will always be full of art glass, tractors, sheep shearing, misshapen people, and the smell of things frying. May it always remain so.
Favorite moment? We saw a chick hatch at the Miracle of Birth barn. There was a little boy in front of us with his very-pregnant mother. When he saw the chick push its way out of the egg he was enraptured...but then a cloud passed over his face and he looked over at his mom's belly with an expression of alarm.Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting. This blog is mostly about my struggles to complete the final draft of my novel, as well as a place to share any other creative projects, travels, or anything else that makes my tiny little world a bit more enchanted.