Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Days

All kinds of good things have happened since my last post. Here are the highlights:

1. Husband signed a contract for an AWES-OME teaching position, which starts in a matter of weeks and pays pretty-dern-well, considering he's a relatively new teacher. Now he can stop wearing that pickle-barrel and begging for food on the street corner!

2. I got two for my own teaching position and one in my normal job. Not huge raises, but still.

3. I finished revising/rewriting all my chapter cards for the "middle passage" of I can move forward on the nuts-n-bolts revising.

4. My lovely friend JoJo and her equally lovely family were in town this weekend from their hometown in Chelmsford, England. We delighted over the marvels of Grand Avenue, Como Park, and Porky's drive-in. They also got to visit with Phillipe, the cement mime (pictures will surely follow at some point).

5. I went to the dentist for my cleaning/check-up and for the first time in something like 4 years I do not need any crowns, fillings, fillings replaced, or wisdom teeth pulled. They simply said "try to floss more" and let me go my own way without further harassment.

6. Husband got me another birthday gift, which is a small (very small) piece of land on the Kincavel estate in Scotland. It's only about enough land to stand on, but it's enough to effectively make me a Laird. Or, rather, a Lady. So now everyone should call me Lady of Kincavel. Now I have to go to Scotland, find my square foot of land, and build a fence around it.

Now the next phase of work begins...preparing for new jobs, new school years, more writing, and of course flossing.


Marv said...

I was wondering, Is a Lady higher status than a Judge? Well, I'm not really a Judge yet, I have to complete two hours of manditory training before it's official.

That's very cool, a property owner in Scotland. Do you want Dad to start working on the fence?

I loved you blog, good news after good news, Yeah ,Yeah and more Yeah!! PS: You're Dad always told you to floss more


Tracie said...

I am soooo happy for you guys!! I can totally relate to the dentist--I hate going. Now I even get nervous for the kids when they go:)

You need to plant a flower on your land or maybe get a life-size plastic cut-out of yourself and leave it there for all to see (hold a sign that says "this is my land--get off")

Congrats on all your great news!!

TeTop said...

Yes, I've been at war with my dentist, and during my last visit I (in a polite roundabout way) basically accused him of scamming me. "Um, I find it funny that EVERY time I come here I need a crown...don't you find that slightly unbelievable?" That kind of thing. So after my bout of elation after this last check-up, the little "conspiracy" part of my brain clicked in and I started thinking "Ah ha! They know I'm on to them!" Visits to the dentist always resemble some kind of battle between Good and Evil to me.

It's fun thinking of what to do with my land...even though there's a stipulation that I can't literally build things on it. I thought I could make it a Bunny Preserve, put a statue there, or drill for oil. I like the idea of the life-sized cut-out, though!

Marv said...

You could hold your book signing there.

I can see that on the news now.

I always thought some dentist always seem to find a way to get money out of you. That's why I like the one we have now. He never seems to do anything that's not necessary.
